Athlete Spotlight: Komal

What made you choose CrossFit True?

-Mia invited me, and I thought, ‘Anyone that looks like that must be legit.’ In all seriousness, I was looking to add progressive strength training to supplement my yoga routine, and CrossFit True’s dedication to safely teaching dynamic movements convinced me to stick around.

How long have you been training with us?

-I’ve been here long enough to find all of the equipment I need on my own… and to pretend I know what I’m doing. But we’ll keep that part between us.

What has been your proudest moment in the past 90 days?

-When I lifted more weight than I thought I could without crying… or at least without publicly crying. Baby steps! Seated wall balls did threaten to publicize my secret last week, though. 

When you’re not at the gym, what do you do for work? What do you do for fun?

-I’m a professional desk jockey by day and an amateur napper by night. For fun, I can be found tearing up the slopes in the winter (or rather the slopes tear me), working on my swing on the golf course in between searching for the lost balls, or unrolling my yoga mat in search of some inner peace (and maybe a nap).

How is your nutrition? How has it changed since joining CrossFit True?

-My nutrition… can always be better. But since joining, I do swap out ‘pizza’ for ‘protein bars’… sometimes. No, I don’t have any proof of this, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

What are your 3 favorite movements/exercises? 

-Tough to choose just 3, but here goes….

Dumbbell clean and jerk 

Pendlay rows

Burpees….(unpopular opinion, I know. But don’t kill me)

What is your favorite style workout? (AMRAP, EMOM, Rounds for Time, etc)

-EMOM – for building strength and because it’s the only way I can stay focused for more than 5 minutes.

Rounds for time or chipper for endurance (because I like having hope that I could finish before the clock runs out).

What about your favorite workout?

-Any workout that mixes strength, mobility, balance, and endurance — basically, I like the ones that make me feel like I’m working hard enough to earn a snack afterward.

Any favorite workout songs? 

-Thought you would never ask!  My favorites run the gamut, but here are a few:

The Motto–Ava Max

Boomerang–Smash into Pieces

Sick–The Warning

Whats Poppin–Jack Harlow

Have you changed physically or mentally since you’ve been working out with us?

-For sure, I feel much more in control of my physical health. Pretty sure I’m now better equipped to terrorize this planet for decades to come.

What are your current goals?

-Just to stay consistent and maybe do a pull-up without looking like I’m trying to climb a tree. 

How have your goals changed since you joined? 

At first, my goal was ‘Don’t die during the workout.’ Now, it’s ‘Maybe I’ll finish within the time cap’ So, you know… big strides.

What has been the biggest surprise since joining CF True?

-Just how much I enjoy it. Being capable is addicting — although I still walk into things and trip over nothing. Guess I’ll just keep waiting for that miracle to happen. 

What can you do now that you couldn’t do before joining?

-I can do more than 3 push-ups without having to crawl away for a break. Definitely progress!!

Say something else, Anything! 

-I’m constantly amazed by the people at CrossFit True. It’s a privilege to be part of this community — and yes, that’s a genuine compliment, not just a line to make up for the burpees that might befall you during the spotlight workout.