Athlete Spotlight: Nick C

What made you choose CrossFit True?

-I knew CrossFit True was right for me from the very first moment I entered the gym. I remember being so surprised at how friendly and supportive everyone seemed. It’s just such a non-judgement environment where you can feel comfortable working out regardless of your level of experience. I couldn’t be happier about my decision!

How long have you been training with us?

-I’ve been coming for about two years now.

What has been your proudest moment in the past 90 days?

-I started slacking off and stopped coming to the gym during the pandemic, so I’m proud to say that I’ve been back for about a month and still going strong.

When you’re not at the gym, what do you do for work? What do you do for fun?

-When I’m not at the gym, you can usually find me hiking, doing homework, or watching a good horror movie.

How is your nutrition? How has it changed since joining CrossFit True?

-My nutrition has definitely improved since joining CrossFit True. I had no idea how little protein I used to eat!

What are your 3 favorite movements/exercises? 

-Squat Cleans, Deadlifts, and Push Jerks

What is your favorite style workout? (AMRAP, EMOM, Rounds for Time, etc)


What about your favorite workout?

-I love a good thigh-burner!

Any favorite workout songs? 

-Pretty much anything by Gaga,  Beyoncé, or Megan Thee Stallion!

Have you changed physically or mentally since you’ve been working out with us?

-Not only have I felt a lot more physically capable since joining CrossFit True, but I’ve also had a lot more energy overall.

What are your current goals?

-My current goal is to get back into the swing of things and make it to class at least five days a week from now on.

How have your goals changed since you joined? 

-I used to be very focused on what I saw when I stepped on the scale, but now I care a lot more about how I perform during the workouts.

What has been the biggest surprise since joining CF True?

-I never get bored coming to class. I thought that, after being here for over two years, workouts might start to feel repetitive, but somehow the coaches always find a way to get creative every day and keep things interesting.

What can you do now that you couldn’t do before joining?

-I know how to safely lift heavy furniture without throwing out my back now!

Say something else, Anything! 

-I am so grateful for the effort the coaches put into making things work during the pandemic. Between starting up zoom classes and rearranging the entire gym, it’s clear how hard they’ve worked to ensure we can stay safe and active during these difficult times. I honestly don’t know how Moe does it all!