Athlete Spotlight: Tawana

What made you choose CrossFit True?

  • I have always wanted to go back to the gym and my sister, Tashanta, kept telling me to sign up at CrossFit True (… for months!). Crossfit in general seemed intimidating to me as I had thought I was not strong enough, and it was out of my comfort zone. After attending my second “Bring a Friend Day” session, I was encouraged into officially joining and starting my fitness journey. 

How long have you been training with us?

  • I’ve been here since July 2023.

What has been your proudest moment in the past 90 days?

  • I am starting to get more comfortable with performing overhead movements after learning proper technique. I am also proud of the progress I’ve made with increasing in weights with each movement such as deadlifts, strict press, etc. as the weeks go on. 

When you’re not at the gym, what do you do for work? What do you do for fun?

  • I work as a Registered Nurse, #teamnightshift. I love the different roles I am able to participate in and always learning something new everyday. For fun, I enjoy going to concerts, spending time with loved ones and getting back into reading. 

How is your nutrition? How has it changed since joining CrossFit True?

  • To be honest, I do not put a lot of energy into tracking my nutrition. I just try to make sure I have enough fruits, vegetables and protein in my diet when I think I’m slacking. Since joining CrossFit True, I do love a good beef stick as a snack and milkshake.

What are your 3 favorite movements/exercises? 

  • Anything that does not include wall balls (or pushups)! But my three favorite movements are running outside (when it’s warmer), squats, and core exercises. Occasionally, I enjoy burpees when included in a WOD.

What is your favorite style workout? (AMRAP, EMOM, Rounds for Time, etc)

  • I like AMRAP and RFT as it allows you to go at your own pace.

What about your favorite workout?

  • Can’t think of a specific one but any cardio or workout targeting different body parts.

Any favorite workout songs? 

  • For crossfit, something upbeat such as hip-hop or early 2000s pop.

Have you changed physically or mentally since you’ve been working out with us?

  • My endurance has improved a lot and finally gained more arm muscles. Mentally, crossfit has allowed me to de-stress and feel more productive during the day post-workout.

What are your current goals?

  • Current goals are working on double unders and push-ups which has been challenging for me. Continuing on showing up to the gym and being the best version of myself.

How have your goals changed since you joined? 

  • Since joining CrossFit True, I realized that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and it’s okay not to be the best at everything. Therefore, I am more focused on scaling back as needed to prevent injuries. Always listening to my body and knowing what my limits are has been helpful.

What has been the biggest surprise since joining CF True?

  • I had no prior crossfit experience, but everyone has been supportive and welcoming since joining. I do not feel pressured at all. Also, all the coaches have been amazing as well. 

What can you do now that you couldn’t do before joining?

  • A lot of the workouts including barbells were all new for me so now I know how to do those.

Say something else, Anything! 

  • Might be an unpopular opinion but Bike >> Row …