Zoom CrossFit has been an unexpected but welcomed addition to our program. Throughout the pandemic we all went through many challenging adjustments, but not all were bad. Many have actually been amazing opportunities, things we never dreamed of.
Take for instance Zoom CrossFit.
Prior to March of last year that was never even a consideration. Not on the radar. But now nearly a year later and we are Zoom CrossFit Experts.
We were “lucky” in having a head start, that is, we saw what was happening in other parts of the world and started making a game plan. That foresight allowed us to pivot very quickly. From closing our doors at 8pm on a Monday to having our first Zoom CrossFit Class at 530am the following Tuesday morning. We didn’t miss a beat.
Since that day, we have hosted Zoom CrossFit classes daily and it has been amazing in so many ways.
The most rewarding part is being able to continue providing health, fitness, & happiness, the foundation of our mission. As time went on and we all got a bit more comfortable with using zoom, it became apparent how beneficial it could be.
We had this new way of making our program more accessible. This allowed our members to get to more classes. From sticking with their program while traveling to having a sick kid at home that would have normally prevented them from making it to class, they now had the ability to get in their fitness.
While it has been amazing to “go on vacation” with our members, there has been an even better unforeseen outcome, the ability to expand our reach and help even more people. The first time someone called from out of state we were blown away, but now it’s commonplace. Up and down the east coast we are helping keep people healthy, fit, and happy while doing Zoom CrossFit from home.
What a wonderfully unique world we live in!