What made you choose CrossFit True?
-I knew I wanted to go to a more structured gym instead of going by myself without a plan. I heard about crossfit from my highschool tennis coach and have been curious about crossfit ever since. I finally mustered the courage years later and started researching gyms near my home. I came upon Crossfit True during my research and liked that the website was easy to navigate in addition to an Instagram page to get a sense of the gym. The “no sweat intro” was what sold me (even though I overslept and missed my first meeting with Coach Moe hahah). No regrets joining Crossfit True!
How long have you been training with us?
– May of this year makes it 1 year!
What has been your proudest moment in the past 90 days?
– My proudest moment in the past 90 day is challenging myself during workouts and being more sociable with my gym mates by participating in the Crossfit Open and Murph. Just to add I ran a mile during Murph and improved my time within three weeks from 14:58 mins. to 13:45 mins.!
When you’re not at the gym, what do you do for work? What do you do for fun?
-Currently, I work at a mortgage lending company in the default department. I mainly draft demand letters on houses entering delinquency or foreclosure.
– Typically, a fun day includes relaxing at home by myself and catching up on anime or just hanging out with my friends and family.
How is your nutrition? How has it changed since joining CrossFit True?
–My nutrition could use some improvement which I promise myself to get done by the end of June. It has changed since joining Crossfit True because I am more mindful about what I put into my body in addition to not feeling guilty when I have something “unhealthy.” I am less hard on myself and don’t get caught up into fad diet culture!
What are your 3 favorite movements/exercises?
-deadlifts, anything squat related, jump ropes (single unders)
What is your favorite style workout? (AMRAP, EMOM, Rounds for Time, etc)
– This is a hard one because it depends on my mood, some days each style of workout “speaks to me” lol. Rounds for Time because I get curious to see if I can actually beat the time set for the workout.
What about your favorite workout?
– My favorite workout includes anything 15 minutes or less but the one I remembered that I liked was called “Grace.”
Any favorite workout songs?
-The song that always pumps me up is Headstrong by Trapt
Have you changed physically or mentally since you’ve been working out with us?
– Definitely changed both physically and mentally. Physically in the sense that I can do a full burpee again! Full lunges! (still working on adding weights), and my weightlifting when it comes to deadlifts, split jerks have improved. I also noticed some of my clothes fit more comfortably than previously. Mentally, I am more confident in the gym thanks to the coaches and members cheering me along the way even when I doubt myself.
What are your current goals?
– My current goal is to try more RX workouts even if it’s just once a month.
How have your goals changed since you joined?
–My goal of watching the scale go down is no longer a thing I focused on because I am starting to learn it is not the only indicator of improvement on my health journey. I celebrate small goals, for example, running and keeping a pace without stopping as much during a workout.
What has been the biggest surprise since joining CF True?
-Crossfit is for anyone no matter what stage of your fitness journey you are in!
What can you do now that you couldn’t do before joining?
-All these weightlifting movements that people who don’t weight lift look confuse when I explain it to them (deadlift, snatches, cleans, split jerks etc.).
Say something else, Anything!
-assault bike workouts are better than rowing! ^.^ #teambiking